Pages tagged asp

Simple table based redirect routing for ASP classic

A very simple mechanism for reading old URLs and doing 301 redirects to new URLs, based on a spreadsheet.

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Pages tagged capistrano

Single file configuration for Capistrano 3

I really like Capistrano--it's a great tool for deploying applications of any kind.

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Pages tagged dscriptor

Scripting DSpace tasks in JRuby

DSpace is a pretty capable repository framework, but it has a number of missing pieces in terms of administrative functionality. You can actually do a lot from the web interface, and the command line operations provide some nice tools, but some tasks just aren't supported.

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Pages tagged dspace

Scripting DSpace tasks in JRuby

DSpace is a pretty capable repository framework, but it has a number of missing pieces in terms of administrative functionality. You can actually do a lot from the web interface, and the command line operations provide some nice tools, but some tasks just aren't supported.

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Pages tagged gems

The first gem I've bothered publishing

This morning I put together the first small gem I've pushed to Rubygems, TinyRackFlash, a flash implementation for Rack applications.

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Pages tagged jruby

Scripting DSpace tasks in JRuby

DSpace is a pretty capable repository framework, but it has a number of missing pieces in terms of administrative functionality. You can actually do a lot from the web interface, and the command line operations provide some nice tools, but some tasks just aren't supported.

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Pages tagged rack

The first gem I've bothered publishing

This morning I put together the first small gem I've pushed to Rubygems, TinyRackFlash, a flash implementation for Rack applications.

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Pages tagged routing

Simple table based redirect routing for ASP classic

A very simple mechanism for reading old URLs and doing 301 redirects to new URLs, based on a spreadsheet.

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Pages tagged ruby

The first gem I've bothered publishing

This morning I put together the first small gem I've pushed to Rubygems, TinyRackFlash, a flash implementation for Rack applications.

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Single file configuration for Capistrano 3

I really like Capistrano--it's a great tool for deploying applications of any kind.

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Scripting DSpace tasks in JRuby

DSpace is a pretty capable repository framework, but it has a number of missing pieces in terms of administrative functionality. You can actually do a lot from the web interface, and the command line operations provide some nice tools, but some tasks just aren't supported.

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Pages tagged static-site-generators